Pre-Launch Post

Well finally the end is in sight! 

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was around three stones overweight. I'd seen the disease lead to the premature death of my mother and was determined that it wasn't going to happen to me. Whether you're diabetic, pre-diabetic or just fed-up with being overweight it doesn't matter, this system will be of incredible benefit for you.

I knew that not only did I need to reduce my sugar intake but I also had to shed a fair bit of weight. I tried various 'diets' and to be honest most were ok in the short term-a week or so, but nothing I followed was ever sustainable. Either I found myself suffering from terrible hunger pangs, often unable to sleep do to stomach rumblings or I found the rigid routine too difficult to stick to. I must have spent hundreds of pounds on various books and resources only to be no lighter than I was at the beginning, demoralised and afraid for my health I began to work things out for myself and fell across the 'Back-to-Front' by accident.

Over the past year I've been working tirelessly on this sysytem which I plan to launch very soon, this will consist of a site that will contain everything you need to lose weight in the easiest possible way.

The No More Big Knickers! system encompassing the  'Back-to-Front' approach will comprise of the five essential elements needed for successful permanent weight-loss.